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How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

Many people will experience trauma at some point in their lifetime. But what is trauma therapy? One of the best things someone could do for themselves if they have experienced trauma, is undergo trauma therapy. A wide variety of experiences …

What Causes OCD to Get Worse?

People often wonder what causes OCD to get worse. Most people are able to live with mild to moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder. They can learn to self-manage symptoms and prevent them from interfering with their everyday life. While the …

How Does PTSD Impact Loved Ones?

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition that affects a number of people across the United States. Those who suffer from PTSD and loved ones around them all go through the effects. What causes PTSD? Well, when someone endures …

Does Meditation Help Anxiety?

Meditation for anxiety has become common practice. Because anxiety can have such a great impact on someone’s quality of life, being able to manage the symptoms caused by anxiety can be extremely beneficial. Knowing the benefits that m …

What Causes BPD?

If someone asks what causes BPD and its corresponding symptoms, it is first crucial to understand exactly what it is. Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD, is a mental health condition consisting of difficulty with regulating emotions, s …

Early Childhood Adversity and Trauma

Children can be extremely affected by events that happen during early childhood. Early childhood adversity and trauma can lead to some pretty devastating consequences. When a child goes through a household breaking up due to separation or d …

Does Drinking Make Anxiety Worse?

If you have ever felt symptoms of anxiety, then you know how hard it can be to make it through the feelings with minimal discomfort. You may even have a drink in order to calm your nerves. But does drinking make anxiety worse? The short ans …

How to Control Your Anger in a Relationship

Every relationship has its problems. Some are minor and others lead to explosive and hurtful arguments. But learning how to control anger in a relationship can change these explosive arguments from being damaging and hurtful, to being a con …

What to Expect From a Mental Health Assessment

Diagnosing a mental health condition can be complex and understanding what to expect from a mental health assessment can help you to be more comfortable during this process. Depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions can lead to …

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